Monday, January 31, 2011

And we’re in.

Oh there’s so much to update! And while I was only thinking about updating the blog when I wrote the previous sentence, now, I can’t help but laugh that it definitely applies to the “new” house too!

So lots has happened since my last post. I didn’t find my camera USB, but I went ahead and bought a new one, so lucky you – pictures galore today. We’ve experienced a serious outpour of help and goodwill from friends. As I mentioned here, we had some great assistance from my college roomie & her beau. Melissa pulled staples out of the floor from where Eugene & I ripped out the carpet, and she also helped me clean my gross cabinets. Drew ripped out the nail strip in the bedroom, helped hook up our appliance, and teamed with Eugene to replace a toilet. I love productivity {so much!}

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We enjoyed some fabulous Bakerella brownies {thanks, Melissa!}, pizza, and of course lots of life updates & laughs. We love time with these great friends!


Eugene’s dad helped as we {read: Eugene} sawed through some existing cabinets to place our new oven in the place where a cooktop was originally. We also removed our existing/disgusting wall oven and dishwasher.


The new Daddy, took time away from baby Griff to help us bring in our hefty new appliances. How pretty are these beauts…even in this not-so-pretty kitchen! {Go figure, there’s Mt. Dew in Eugene’s fridge.} Looks like the pup’s hungry!

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Then we had a ton {I’m talking 15 or more people!} of helpful friends show up to help us move out from our condo. It was so great to have so many people willing and happy to help us. Everything went quickly & smoothly, even when our loveseat had to be hoisted out of our balcony while a friend stood on a wobbly fence. No biggie.


After our army of helpers left, my college teammate {#22 here} was a cleaning machine and wiped down pretty much every wall in my house AND lined my kitchen cabinets. I can’t thank her enough! She’s amazing! Shortly after that, our friends from church {mentioned here} came over to help us. We seriously have the best friends. Jake’s an electrician = our appliances are hooked up and working! Sarah’s a self-professed OCD organizer = my entire kitchen is completely put in order {wondrous thing!} More on the kitchen later this week.

The whole house project thing is still overwhelming, but it’s getting better. Heck, not even a hint of buyers remorse so far!


We’re sold & in for good. And coming from someone who has moved ten times in the last eight years, I couldn’t be happier to be planted in more permanent ground. :)


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